Historical statistics: 1788-1996

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visitors are kindly advised that this website includes images, sounds and names of people who have passed.

All users should be aware that some topics or historical content may be culturally sensitive, offensive or distressing, and that some images may contain nudity or are of people not yet identified. Certain words, terms or descriptions may reflect the author's/creator's attitude or that of the period in which they were written, but are now considered inappropriate in today's context.

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Commonwealth and other states statistics


Changing attitudes

The language used in some of the publications reflects the ideas and attitudes of the writer or the society at the time it was written. Some of the language may now be considered inappropriate or offensive.

Did you know?

There were 3,254 people in Australia who listed 'Freethinker' as their religion in the census held in 1911.

How many pagans do you think there were? Check out the Year Book Australia, 1913 to find out.

National Archives of Australia

Search the National Archives of Australia's collection to find historical statistical publications. These include reports from government departments that contain statistics about immigration, the Aboriginal population, defence and economy.

Newspapers on Trove

Find historical statistical tables, reports and articles by searching Australian newspapers on Trove.


Governments used gazettes to inform the public of decisions and their activities. Entries in gazettes can be 'as brief as a road closure notice or as comprehensive as a 200 page list of everyone who is registered to practice medicine in Victoria'.

For more information see Victorian Government Gazette Online Archive.