Convicts: Life in the colony

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Indexes to convict/employer registers, 1843-1845 and bench books, 1824-1835

How to use Indexes to convict/employer registers, 1843-1845 and bench books, 1824-1835

Only in the Library You can use Indexes to convict/employer registers, 1843-1845 and bench books, 1824-1835 when in the Library. Can't come to the Library? Contact us.

How to find out if a convict re-offended


Ask at the Family history desk to use the CD-ROM. You will need to use the CD-ROM on a dedicated computer in the Family history area of the Governor Marie Bashir Reading Room.

You will need a Library card to use the CD-ROM as your Library card will need to be kept at the Family history desk until your have finished with the resource.


Click the 'Convict Bench Books' icon to load the database.


Click the icon labelled 'MAIN' to go to the main menu.

The CD-ROM also includes Indexes to convict/employer registers. Read the 'Preface' which appears under the index icons for instructions on how to search the indexes.


Click the 'Find' icon above the index you wish to search. If you are unsure which one to choose, we recommend searching all of the indexes.


Search for the name of your convict in the alphabetical index and note all the details from the index entry.

The 'Reference' in the index entry includes the location number of original record on reel CY366 and the page number in brackets.


Go to the Special Collections desk in the Mitchell Library to request the Magistrate's Court Records on microfilm CY 366 by completing a stack request.

Microfilm Reel CY 366 contains 4 separate sequences of records in the following order:

  • NSW Convict/Employer registers 1843-1845, 1 and 2 (original location number: ML MSS 2480/2).
  • Argyle Police district Magistrates Records Berrima-Throsby Park 3 Apr 1826-2 Apr 1827 (original location number: B773).
  • Argyle Police District Magistrates Records Goulburn Plains 13 Nov 1827-31 Jan 1835 (original location number: ML MSS 2482/3A).
  • Liverpool Police Court Book 14 Feb 1824-Oct 1826 (original location number: A1499).


Use the details from the reference in the index entry to find the record on the microfilm. You will need to go to the beginning of the sequence and scroll through the pages, counting them as you go until you get to the page number you noted from the index entry.

The date of each sitting is shown at the beginning of the document. This will help you to locate the court record you are seeking.

Bench books in the Library

We have the following bench books in the Mitchell Library:

  • Argyle Police district Magistrates Records Berrima-Throsby Park 3 April 1826-2 April 1827
  • Argyle Police District Magistrates Records Goulburn Plains 13 November1827-31 January 1835
  • Liverpool Police Court Book 14 February 1824-October 1826

Who is in the index?

All employers, magistrates, constables and free settlers mentioned in the court cases are also indexed in this resource.

Prefer microfiche?

The index is also available on microfiche. You can request the index by completing a stack request form for Magistrate's Court Records. Give the completed form to staff at the Ask a Librarian desk.

Arrangement of records?

Take a moment to read the 'Preface' which appears under the index icons. This provides information on the arrangement of the original records on microfilm in the Mitchell Library.