Government Legislation & Publications: New South Wales

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Other historic Ordinances under Local Government Act 1919 (NSW)

Other historic Ordinances under Local Government Act 1919 (NSW)

Numerous ordinances were made under the Local Government Act 1919 (NSW). These are only in the State Library. The following is a list of consolidations of the Ordinances under the Act, as at a particular date or point in time.

Publication Years Call number Access
Ordinances under Local Government Act 1919

consolidation 01/09/1922

consolidation 01/11/1924

consolidation 12/1927

consolidation 31/12/1929

consolidation 31/12/1932

consolidation 16/06/1937

consolidation 31/08/1945

consolidation 03/08/1951

consolidation 05/08/1954

consolidation 30/06/1960











Only in the Library
Ordinances under the Local Government Act, 1919, as at 1969-1973 Most amendments printed in 1970 N342.99409/5 SET Only in the Library
Local Government Ordinances Services (NSW) Ceased publication October 1973 N342.94409/7A SET. On Bashir Reading Room Reference shelves. Only in the Library

Tips for finding historic ordinances

In each consolidation or reprint:

  1. The ordinances under the Local Government Act are reproduced in numeric order as at the date of the consolidation or reprint.
  2. You will find a table listing all Ordinances at the start of each consolidation.  This is useful for browsing if you are not sure of the number of the Ordinance you need.

Researching amendments

  1. To find out if there are amendments between dates of each consolidation (e.g. 1929 consolidation and 1932 consolidation), request the NSW regulations (N348.944022/3) by year (e.g. 1931).
  2. Search the table and index at the end of each volume under the Local Government Act 1919. You will find the dates of all amendments to each ordinance and the page where these amendments can be found.