Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visitors are kindly advised that this website includes images, sounds and names of people who have passed.
All users should be aware that some topics or historical content may be culturally sensitive, offensive or distressing, and that some images may contain nudity or are of people not yet identified. Certain words, terms or descriptions may reflect the author's/creator's attitude or that of the period in which they were written, but are now considered inappropriate in today's context.
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Most databases have tools to help you manage citations and referencing for your bibliography.
Primary sources provide firsthand testimony or direct evidence concerning a topic or question under investigation.
They are usually created by witnesses or recorders who experienced the events or conditions being documented...primary sources can also include autobiographies, memoirs, and oral histories recorded later.
- Yale University - Primary Sources at Yale
In the journal Teaching History, published by the History Teachers’ Association of NSW, you can explore articles on depth studies, historical investigations, historiography, History Extension, and Extension prize-winning essays.
To search within this journal: