Ancient History - HSC

Resources for HSC Ancient History and History Extension

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visitors are kindly advised that this website includes images, sounds and names of people who have passed.

All users should be aware that some topics or historical content may be culturally sensitive, offensive or distressing, and that some images may contain nudity or are of people not yet identified. Certain words, terms or descriptions may reflect the author's/creator's attitude or that of the period in which they were written, but are now considered inappropriate in today's context.

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Freely accessible eresource Freely accessible eresource


What is an eresource?

Eresources = all online resources, which are mainly databases and ebooks:

  • Databases hold large collections of articles from a variety of publications including journals, magazines and newspapers
  • They may also contain full-text ebooks, reference books like encyclopaedias, or images
  • The State Library subscribes to them so they are free for you to use!  

Why should I use them?

  • Access to high quality academic articles that aren’t freely available online, to support your research arguments
  • Wide range of publications, both current and historical
  • Articles are usually more recent than books
  • You can use them anytime from anywhere
  • Most databases have tools to help you manage citations and referencing for your bibliography

Eresources at the State Library

Search tips for using eresources

  • Use “quotation marks” for exact phrase searching eg. "Agrippina the Younger" 
  • Use ADVANCED search options to combine words using AND, OR,  NOT
  • Use asterisks * for wild cards - alternative endings of words eg. archaeolog* = archaeology and archaeologist/s
  • Select Full Text search options to find only full text articles
  • Vary your search terms: try synonyms for your topic words or events eg. bog bodies = human remains
  • Refine your results by limiting to scholarly or peer-reviewed (for academic level journals evaluated by experts)

Watch your spelling – both for accuracy and American spelling variations.