Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visitors are kindly advised that this website includes images, sounds and names of people who have passed.
All users should be aware that some topics or historical content may be culturally sensitive, offensive or distressing, and that some images may contain nudity or are of people not yet identified. Certain words, terms or descriptions may reflect the author's/creator's attitude or that of the period in which they were written, but are now considered inappropriate in today's context.
In the Library (or anywhere with a Library card for NSW residents) | |
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Publicly available |
This guide introduces you to our Oral History and Sound collections. Oral History and Sound comprises recorded oral histories, radio interviews, talks, podcasts, performances and seminars. Oral History and Sound is a growing collection that forms part of the State Library's commitment to collect material that documents life in New South Wales.
From recordings undertaken in the 1950s through to contemporary times, the voices and memories of the people of New South Wales have been preserved.
You can access most of our Oral History and Sound collections as digital files on request, while a growing number of born-digital interviews are now available to access online here
Whether you are an academic, a student, an author, a family historian or local historian, a professional researcher or artist or simply interested in a particular topic, this guide will help you to get started using the Oral History and Sound collections.
As part of our Digital Excellence Program, the Library has digitised over 13,000 hours of analogue and reel to reel taped interviews and sound artefacts, enhancing peoples access to these collections and ensuring their preservation for the future. As we collect more born digital oral history and sound collections these are being added to our online catalogue. You can access our growing collection of born digital oral histories here
Oral History and Sound collections are used for many different purposes, such as