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All users should be aware that some topics or historical content may be culturally sensitive, offensive or distressing, and that some images may contain nudity or are of people not yet identified. Certain words, terms or descriptions may reflect the author's/creator's attitude or that of the period in which they were written, but are now considered inappropriate in today's context.
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The National Construction Code (NCC) establishes the minimum requirements for the construction and design of buildings in Australia. The National Construction Code of Australia (NCC) was previously known as the Building Code of Australia (BCA).
The Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code controls the processing, ingredients, and additives in food. It also covers the composition of some foods such as dairy, meat and beverages.
Australian Accounting Standards are developed by the Australian Accounting Standards Board and outline how the financial information of public sector organisations and not-for-profit entities in the private sector are to be presented and reported for accountability purposes.
The Australian Auditing Standards are developed by the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board and outline the responsibilities of an auditor when engaged to undertake an audit of financial reports, statements and/or other historical financial information; as well as what form and content are to be included in an auditor’s report.
1. To verify the Australian Standards number and title, browse the Australian Standards online catalogue or use the search box on its website.
2. Take down the title and corresponding number and staff will check whether we hold it in our collection.
**Please note: We may not hold all the Standards listed on the Australian Standards website.