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You can use Criminal registers, England & Wales, 1805-1868 (HO 27 Series 2) when in the Library. Can't come to the Library? Contact us. |
Use the Australian Joint Copying Project Handbook Part 3: Home Office ('HO 27: Criminal registers' page 26-27) to find the microfilm reel number that covers the date and county of your convict's trial. Ask at the Special Collections desk in the Mitchell Library to view the handbook.
Don’t know the county where your convict’s trial was held?
Complete a stack request slip (including the microfilm reel number) to have staff collect the reel for you.
Search the registers for the county and session where your convict was tried to find your convict's entry.
Example of the information found in an entry:
Name | When Tried | Crime | Sentence | How disposed of |
John Brannon Alias Edwd Taylor | Mar Sessn | Stealg a brass weight | Transport 7 years | N.G.* |
* Newgate Prison.
Also available on Ancestry Library Edition as England & Wales, Criminal Registers, 1791-1892.
Ancestry Library Edition is only available in the Library.
These registers list all individuals in England and Wales who were charged with an indictable offence. You can use the registers to find the results of the trial and sentence.
Records for Middlesex are only included for 1850-1868.
Sometimes the registers do not provide any further direct detail other than that found in the index, but it is always worth checking. It's also good practice to check as errors in transcription can be made.