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You can use Treasury Board hulk returns, 1783–1803 (T1) when in the Library. Can't come to the Library? Contact us. |
You will need to know the hulk your convict was incarcerated in as there is no index of convicts in the Treasury Board hulk returns. Don't know the name of the hulk? Try resources listed on Beginning your family history research and Prisons & hulks.
Use the Guide to New South Wales State Archives relating to Convicts and Convict Administration to find a breakdown of what Treasury Board Hulk returns are on each microfilm reel including date ranges and locations of the hulk.
See 'Appendix IV' (page 337) of the guide to locate the microfilm reel numbers. Take note of the microfilm reel and piece number.
Example of the information found in an entry:
Reel 3556 | T1/734 | Lion Hulk, Portsmouth, 21 June-20 Sept 1794 |
T1/735 | Prudentia and Stanislaus Hulks, Woolwich, 12 July-12 Oct 1794 |
Complete a stack request slip (including the microfilm reel number) to have staff collect the microfilm reel for you.
Search the reel for the 'piece number' to find the record. The piece number is indicated on a reference tag (for example, T 1/734) which appears next to each page on the microfilm.
The hulk name will either be listed before or after the list of convict names for that hulk. |
The Treasury Board hulk returns include a detailed statement of costs and a list of prisoners in the hulks awaiting transportation.