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HLRV Fundamentals

The Historical Land Records Viewer (HLRV) provides free access to over 6 million digitised land records for New South Wales, dating back to the 1790s. These documents are invaluable sources for local and family history research but can sometimes be challenging to find in this fascinating yet complex database.

Gain the knowledge and confidence to start your research using this rich collection of records.

Listen to each webinar, then practice the steps outlined in each accompanying handout.

Session 1: Introduction to HLRV

An overview of the major record series contained in HLRV and how to navigate the site. Included will be a brief outline of the history of land administration in NSW to add context to the records.

Session 2: Old land grants and Old System title deeds

How to access the Grant Register which covers 80 years of Crown land grants, purchases and leases from 1792–1862.

We’ll also show you how to find and view thousands of registered ‘Old System’ title deeds ranging from 1825 to 1987 and where to access registered title deeds that date back to as early as 1794.

Session 3: Torrens Title Records

In this session we will look at the land records created after the Old System made way for Torrens Title in 1863.

Learn how to find and use Torrens Title certificates, the Torrens Title Purchaser’s Index, and the Primary Application documents available on HLRV.

Session 4: Case Study

Now that we have explored the fundamentals of HLRV, in this session we will put our learning into practice with an in-depth case study that will show how to make the most of HLRV. This session will cover both Torrens and Old System records, as well as some of the most useful maps and plans.

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