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Use the guide to find sources of information about:
This guide has been developed by staff of Drug Info, State Library of NSW.
Drug Info is a free drug and alcohol information service for the community of NSW.
Information is provided to the community via the Drug Info website, a collection of plain language books and factsheets held in NSW public libraries and public programs delivered by public library staff.
The Drug Info service is co-ordinated by staff of the Drug Info service at the State Library of NSW. Drug Info staff administer the Drug Info website, provide updates to the book collections in public libraries, and assist libraries to deliver the service and programs to their communities.
The Respect Your Brain animated video series is designed for young people. The videos focus on the effects of alcohol, cannabis and MDMA on the developing brain.
Did you know the effects of alcohol can last longer than a hangover? The video Alcohol - Get the Facts highlights some of the long-term effects, including an increased risk of some cancers, damage to body organs, heart and blood disorders, and work and relationship problems. It also provides sources of more information and where to get help.