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The State Library has thousands of ebooks covering many subject areas in the Ebook Central Library

  • You can access ebooks from anywhere for free with your Library card.
  • To read ebooks on portable devices, download and install the free software program Adobe Digital Editions.
  • Once an ebook is downloaded, it will usually be accessible for up to three weeks.
  • You can also read it online, download individual chapters and search within an ebook.

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Selected ebooks

The Tempest: a Critical Reader

The Tempest contains sublime poetry and catchy songs, magic and low comedy, while it tackles important contemporary concerns: education, power politics, the effects of colonization, and technology. This guide opens up new ways into one of Shakespeare's most popular, malleable and controversial plays.

Film Theory: the Basics

An accessible introduction to the key theorists, concepts, and debates that have shaped the study of moving images. It examines film theory from its emergence in the early twentieth century to its study in the present day, and explores why film has drawn special attention as a medium, as a form of representation and a focal point in the rise of modern visual culture.

Writing the Novella

Innovative, integrated journal prompts inspire and sustain the creative process for writing this distinct literary form, and classic novellas serve as examples throughout. This will be a welcome resource for new and experienced writers alike.

Wordsworth's Poetry, 1815-1845

Examining the most characteristic later poems in their historical contexts, Fulford shows Wordsworth probing the experiences and perspectives of later life and innovating formally and stylistically. Discusses poems such as ‘The Prelude’ and ‘Tintern Abbey’.

Writing an Interactive Story

Navigate the creation process of interactive scripts guided by master scriptwriters, learn the fundamentals of interactive storytelling, and read interviews with experienced writers.

Engagements with Narrative

As new narrative forms and media emerge, the study of narrative and the ways people communicate through imagination, empathy, and storytelling is especially relevant for students today. This book presents the foundational texts, essential thinkers and key concepts (time, space, character, perspective, setting) that form narrative theory and critical practice.

The Writing Book

A completely practical workbook that offers down-to-earth ideas and suggestions for writers or aspiring writers to get you started and to keep you going.