Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP)

The Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP) is a collection of historical material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific dating from 1560 to 1984.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visitors are kindly advised that this website includes images, sounds and names of people who have passed.

All users should be aware that some topics or historical content may be culturally sensitive, offensive or distressing, and that some images may contain nudity or are of people not yet identified. Certain words, terms or descriptions may reflect the author's/creator's attitude or that of the period in which they were written, but are now considered inappropriate in today's context.

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M Series (Miscellaneous)

The Miscellaneous or M Series is filmed from collections held privately or in record offices other than the Public Records Office (PRO).

Archival collections include:

The M Series is strong in material from the 19th century including emigrant diaries and letters, convict records, archives of missionary societies, scientific records and papers of politicians and officials.

18th century material is primarily maritime records, such as logs and journals of early British explorers of the Pacific.

German Official records relating Pacific exploration are a European collection of note.

M Series handbook

Browse the online M Series handbook to locate records of organisations and individuals relevant to your research.

Unlike the PRO Series which is accessed via classes of records within each Government department, the M Series is accessed via a single subject index in the online M Series handbook. 

Print copies of the handbook are also available in the Library at the Family History and Special Collections Desks:

M Series finding aid

Browse the M Series finding aid to locate and view digitised records of organisations relevant to your research. Unlike PRO records, the M Series finding aid is an A-Z list of institutional records and private collections.

Alternatively select a theme from the following list for an overview of some significant collections:

Australian Joint Copying Project handbook. Part 8, Miscellaneous [M series] / compiled by Ekarestini O'BrienAustralian Joint Copying Project handbook. Part 8, Miscellaneous [M series] / compiled by Ekarestini O'Brien